Monday, October 10, 2011

Fun Fabric Backgrounds

I have a stack of fabric sitting by my sewing machine, waiting for me to turn it into something new. But today I was hit by the inspiration bug, and decided to put that fabric to use while it waited for me to get to my sewing machine. Fun, right?

As usual, my firstborn was totally into the photo experience (especially when there was a lollypop to be earned!) and my youngest was not into it at all. While these images of her aren't "perfect," I do love that they capture so much of her independent, strong-willed personality.

I'm pretty sure I'll be making a trip to the fabric store this week to find some fabrics perfect for more portraits. I'll take any excuse I can get to visit the fabric store! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. You have such a way of making an ordinary picture of a kid look extraordinary. Love it. Wish you lived closer :)Our family photos you did are getting old...;)
