Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Crystal Lake Engagement Photographer :: Ashlie & Mike

First I teased you with hints about her awesome shoes, then I made you wait an ETERNITY while my computer issues got ironed out. I'm so happy to report that I'm typing this post from my beloved laptop, which seems (for the moment) to be working perfectly. Better than new, even. YAY!

So, without further delay, I'd love to share a few images of this fantastic couple. We met in downtown Crystal Lake on a blustery afternoon, and one of the first things Ashlie said to me was "We're not photogenic." Um, what??? They insist they don't have any good photos of themselves, but they totally rocked this session, so I'm not sure I believe it. Judge for yourself....

I think they look beee-you-teee-ful! We had so much fun together! Best of all was after our picture taking ended;  my DH and the kiddos were spending some together time at the nearby Crystal Lake library, and they came to pick me up at Ashlie and Mike's home (which was our last stop for photos). I had planned to just dash out to the van when they pulled up, but DH ended up bringing the kids to the door. The first thing Aaron said when he walked in the door was "Nice house!" Too funny! The conversation got going from there, and it turned into a great little visit. I LOVE that about my job - that professional relationships so quickly turn into friendships.

A & M, thanks for being such gracious hosts, and for waiting so patiently for everything to come together. I think you finally have some GREAT photos of yourselves. :-)

Want to see more of them? Watch their slideshow, or check out their proofs

I have another engagement session to post later this week, and two more couples to photograph this weekend, so get ready! You'll be hearing more from me soon!

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