Thursday, March 5, 2009

Telling the Story

Do you love to scrapbook as much as I do? Especially now that I've discovered the world of digital scrapbooking, I've become a total addict. I scrapbook because I want to tell my family stories. Sometimes the pictures I take inspire the story I want to tell, and sometimes it's the other way around; a story just has to be told, and I need to take pictures to help tell it. Here's one of those stories...

Aaron didn't really need new shoes. Our neighbor has graciously given us a box of hand-me-downs, including a great pair of play shoes in just the right size. He's worn these shoes everywhere: playing in the snow, going to the grocery store, exploring Disneyland, and had even been dropped and retrieved from one infamous duck pond. But when our church's annual clothing exchange came around last weekend, I went to check it out. There wasn't a lot that we needed, so I just poked through the piles, picking up a few pairs of pants in the little guy's next size up. Then I headed to the back table where the shoes were laid out. A pair of size 6 Nike's? Too cute to pass up! They were in great condition, and I figured they would be perfect for the muddy spring that is ahead of us. I remember thinking that I didn't really need them, but I just couldn't resist.

Later that night, after Emma's birthday party, Mike was wrestling Aaron's coat on and hurriedly pulling on his little shoes. "Uh oh," I heard, as Mike proffered up a left shoe with a now broken strap. After too many tugs and pulls, the velcro fastener just gave out. It really wasn't repairable. While I was sad that the favorite shoes were broken, I was relieved that another pair of shoes was waiting at home for his little feet.

I've thought about these new shoes quite a bit since last Saturday. The timing of it all is just too perfect. I pick up a used pair of shoes for free in the morning, and they become a needed necessity by that evening. So now every time I tie these little laces, I'm reminded that God knows exactly what my family needs, even before I do. In uncertain times like these, where so many are losing jobs and struggling to keep their homes, that's such a comfort!


This may be just an ordinary pair of shoes, but there's a special story behind them, and it's one that I really want to remember. I tried for three days to get a good picture of Aaron wearing the shoes, but his one-year-old feet just move too fast. None of the pictures I was capturing really showed off the shoes. So while Aaron napped today, I took the shoes out on our porch and made them the focus. By putting the shoes in an unusual setting (hanging from the bare branches of a tree), I made the photo less about the scene, and more about shoes. When you look at the photos, you're attention is drawn to the shoes, since they're a bit out of place. I definitely see a scrap page about these shoes in my future. :-)

Today's challenge: find an object that tells part of your family story. Maybe it's the special lovey your kid can't sleep without. Maybe it's the pyrex casserole dish that holds your favorite meal. Try taking a variety of pictures of this object in some unusual settings, and see what comes of it. Send me your work... I'd love to see it!!!

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